In a rapidly changing world, it is especially important to regularly look at yourself from the outside and adjust the usual approaches, until they turn into a routine. This is especially necessary for those who are at the forefront of change, the leaders setting the pace of development in the digital age.
Regular external evaluations of the board of directors' performance are recommended by the national Corporate Governance Code and international best practices.
How is performance of the board of directors, committees and corporate secretary evaluated?
Our team's evaluation of boards of directors complies with the Corporate Governance Code recommendations and allows us to develop useful practical recommendations, clarify the goals and priorities for your Company and the Board of Directors, improve the quality of the Board's performance, and increase the contribution of each director to the work of the Board.
External evaluation includes interviews with board members and top management, analysis of internal documents, preparation of a detailed report and discussion at a board meeting.
We also provide companies with the automated TopCompetenceself-evaluation service for boards of directors, offer self-evaluation support for boards ofdirectors and develop an evaluationmethodology / regulation for boards of directors.
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Long-term growth of business value of our clients is the main result of our work.
17 years
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Более 10 лет опыта в советах директоров и контрольных органах крупных и средних российских и зарубежных компаний, в том числе Московский кредитный банк, Совкомфлот, ОТЛК, и др.